
Anyone can experience more creativity!

Holistic Creativity Workshops explore the 12 Universal Principles that all creative people need to know. Each Workshop provides a stimulating introductory experience to key core elements of human creativity. You’ll practice a dynamic and transformative approach to comprehensive Creativity training.

Each Workshop emphasizes one of the four functional Realms of the Holistic Creativity System: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body. Enrolling in all 4 Workshops — no matter in what order, or over what period of time — will provide you with a fundamental understanding of the key elements of the Holistic Creativity program.

These innovative Workshops are suitable for all levels of experience, from the dedicated professional to the curious hobbyist. Each session delivers an intimate, interactive encounter with the author — Live online via Zoom — which is much more effective than pre-recorded videos or “canned” lectures. Class participation is dynamic, inspiring, and completely confidential. Sessions are never recorded in order to ensure privacy and maximize your involvement.

Holistic Creativity Workshops offer concise lectures, effective techniques, expert demonstrations, and lively discussions. They are designed to incorporate the best-practices you already know and integrate a carefully curated sequence of experiences to engage previously untapped abilities.

Throughout this series of Workshops you’ll:

  • Experience techniques that awaken your deepest yearnings to be more creative.
  • Pinpoint how to get what you ‘really want’ out of your desire to be more productive.
  • Discover powerful tools which will identify and diagnose your creative blocks, limits, and negative self-beliefs.
  • Develop a deeper awareness of a rich ‘inner guidance’ that powers your innate creative impulses.
  • Explore effective methods for gathering imagery from a ripe, inner wellspring to achieve a more authentic point-of-view and create outcomes with more impact.

About Holistic Creativity Workshops

Stoke the Fire in your Heart



Discover why passion —doing what you love to do— is more important than either knowledge or technique for achieving creative fulfillment and professional success. Explore your deepest creative yearnings and pinpoint how to get what you ‘really want’ with courage and desire. Learn an approach to self- knowledge and self-realization that will empower your innate creative talents and abilities.

More Details

This LIVE, ONLINE Workshop is highly interactive and customized to your needs. It’s suitable for both beginners and master-practitioners. Call 610.586.4050 or email: to host your workshop.

We can run the Zoom workshop through your single location or through individual logins in various locations.

An individual’s cost to attend can be a little as $10.00 USD an hour with full enrollment.

What we cover:

  • Discover the true role of passion as ‘fuel’ for your creative process;
  • Engage methods that unlock the secret desires of your heart, revealing what you ‘really’ want;
  • Review the scientific research about our 5 basic senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell) that explains the perceptions that shape your Creative abilities;
  • Experience techniques that arouse your senses and activate passion;
  • Explore daily practices that heighten your Awareness;

Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: to schedule a workshop for your friends, business, or community.

Mindfulness for Creativity



Experience effective methods for pulling imagery from your deep subconscious to produce creative work with more authenticity and impact. Discover the power of constructing an environment that opens your senses, piques your curiosity, and awakens your consciousness. Explore inspiring techniques for shifting your brainwave frequencies and opening doorways to higher forms of perception.

Learn how the Holistic Creativity System can enhance your creative potency through a combination of contemporary Behavioral and Cognitive techniques, ancient processes for Mindfulness, and your own best-practices. This holistic encounter will demonstrate how to reach higher creative alignment and creative functioning.

More Details

This LIVE, ONLINE Workshop is highly interactive and customized to your needs. It’s suitable for both beginners and master-practitioners. Call 610.586.4050 or email: to host your workshop.

We can run the Zoom workshop through your single location or through individual logins in various locations.

An individual’s cost to attend can be a little as $10.00 USD an hour with full enrollment.  

What we cover:

  • Explore recent discoveries in Neuroscience that explain how the brain processes Creativity;
  • Discuss the unique brainwave frequencies that handle each aspect of the creative process, such as Alpha and Theta brainwave states;
  • Experience somatic brainwave entrainment techniques for Creativity –such as gentle yoga postures, drumming, chanting, or other ancient practices– that achieve Theta brainwave states for deeper intuition, insight, and inspiration;
  • Practice a proprietary integration of Mindfulness meditation and Creativity exercises to boost your creative potency;

Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: to schedule a workshop for your friends, business, or community.

Invoke the Muses



Develop a deeper awareness of your own inner guidance and innate creative impulses. Practice effective methods for accessing your bountiful wellspring of creative inspiration. Explore various techniques from contemporary Cognitive Science models of idea generation to ancient Mystical practices that engage Muses, Oracles, Sages, Guides, Angels, or other forms. Become a more authentically inspired creative person.

More Details

This LIVE, ONLINE Workshop is highly interactive and customized to your needs. It’s suitable for both beginners and master-practitioners. Call 610.586.4050 or email: to host your workshop.

We can run the Zoom workshop through your single location or through individual logins in various locations.

An individual’s cost to attend can be a little as $10.00 USD an hour with full enrollment.  

What we cover:

  • Learn the role of Feminine Archetypes in Creativity;
  • Discuss the Hero’s Journey and other narrative structures as devices for transmitting inspiration;
  • Review methods of human connection and relationship that support and expand our ability to harness inspiration;
  • Explore practical techniques for accessing your strongest forms of guidance;
  • Engage cutting-edge Cognitive Science techniques to generate a large pool of ideas and concepts;
  • Practice Mindfulness techniques (such as simple meditations, gentle yoga postures, drumming, chanting, or other ancient practices) for deeper intuition, insight, and inspiration;

Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: to schedule a workshop for your friends, business, or community.

Get Unstuck and Stay Engaged



Explore the Holistic Creativity model of the four Realms —Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body— as a framework for generating impactful, creative action. Discover powerful tools which will identify and diagnose your creative blocks and limits. Experience techniques that will help you move beyond where you are and keep you engaged on your creative journey.

More Details

This LIVE, ONLINE Workshop is highly interactive and customized to your needs. It’s suitable for both beginners and master-practitioners. Call 610.586.4050 or email: to host your workshop.

We can run the Zoom workshop through your single location or through individual logins in various locations.

An individual’s cost to attend can be a little as $10.00 USD an hour with full enrollment.  

What we cover:

  • Discover how to develop a practical strategy to better support the stress and strain, ebb and flow, of the creative process;
  • Engage techniques for exposing your creative blocks;
  • Explore how Procrastination is often misunderstood and how harmful it is to your Creative process;
  • Identify the core beliefs that can bolster your ability to get unstuck and take action;
  • Learn the three-part structure of habit formation and know how to reframe undesirable tendencies for successful action;

Call: 1-(610) 586-4050 or Email: to schedule a workshop for your friends, business, or community.